Cheapest Domain Hosting – Troubleshooting FileZilla FTP Connections

Cheapest Domain Hosting – If you have problems establishing an FTP connection to your domain hosting account using FileZilla, check out the information below to help you resolve your problem.

Incorrect Password

If you do not enter the correct password for your domain hosting account, FileZilla produces the following error:

Command: PASS **********
Response: 530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical Error
Error: Could not connect to server

To correct this issue, you need to reset your password (Web & Classic / cPanel / Plesk).

Incorrect User Name

If you do not enter the correct user name, FileZilla does not produce a unique error.

However, if you are not sure of your hosting account’s user name, you can find it in your control panel (Web & Classic / cPanel / Plesk).

Incorrect DNS Information

Your domain name must point to your hosting account. This happens by pointing your domain name’s DNS A record to your hosting account’s IP address. If you don’t know precisely what that means, don’t worry. You can use this information to check the issue.

To Check Your Domain Name’s DNS Information

  1. Find and note your hosting account’s IP address (Web & Classic / cPanel / Plesk).
  2. Check your domain name’s A record, and change it if necessary. For more information, see Manage DNS . You are looking for the A (Host) record with @ in its Host column. It should match your hosting account’s IP address.

Other DNS Connectivity Issues

There might be other issues affecting your ability to connect to your hosting account using FileZilla that you can solve by using a different value as your Host in FileZilla.

Try entering the following as your Host in FileZilla, instead of your domain name (in each example, replace with your domain name):

  • Your hosting account’s IP address.
  • ftp://your IP address, for example,

Visit here to purchase cheapest domain hosting services  or promote your website/ business with full list of top level domains (new gTLDs.). See all our cheap domains sale here!

Cheap Domain Hosting – Hosting Account Getting Started Guide

Cheapest domain hosting guide – If you’re new to hosting, this article will help you get started.

1. Set up Your Cheap Domain Hosting Account

Without setting up your hosting account, you can’t do anything with it. So, check out Set up your account.

After you purchase a hosting plan, you need to set it up before you can use it to host your website.

  1. Log in to your IFindHost – Cheap Domain Registration, Cheapest Domain Hosting Service account.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. Select or enter the domain name you want to use.
  5. Click Upload Your Site.
  6. If your domain name isn’t currently registered here, select your transfer options.
  7. If your domain name isn’t pointed toward our DNS servers, resolve the issues or skip this step.
2. Upload Your Website

After setting up your hosting account, you need to get your website’s files on it. There are a number of ways to do this, including using the application you used to build your website and using an FTP client.

You probably only need to use one of these.

  • FTP: How to upload files
  • Dreamweaver CS6: Publish your website
  • iWeb: Publish your website
3. Preview Your Site

Once you have your website uploaded, check it out using Preview DNS. For more information, see Preview your website.

  1. Log in to your IFindHost account.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. In the Server Details section, click Show details
  5. Click Preview to display your primary domain’s DNS information.
  6. If Preview DNS is not already enabled for your account, click Enable. If it has expired, click Renew.

    If Preview DNS is enabled, click Preview.

If you don’t see your website (oh no!), make sure you have an “index file.”

To see if you have a default file, open up your FTP client/website application and make sure you have one of the files listed in the top level of your hosting account, also known as “the root.”

4. Make Your Site Live

Depending on how you configured your hosting account, your website might already be live. Check it out by going to your domain name.

If it’s not live, you probably need to update your DNS