Cheapest Domain Hosting – Operating Systems Compatibility and Hosting Quick-Install Applications

Value applications are compatible with either Windows or Linux operating systems. PHP 5 is enabled for all Linux hosting accounts. PHP 5 is enabled for Windows hosting accounts running IIS 7, only. If the value application you attempt to install is incompatible with your hosting account operating system, you can either purchase a new hosting account with the appropriate operating system or migrate your existing account.

For information on migrating an existing hosting account, see Switching your hosting account operating system.

Below is a description of our hosting account operating system options:


Windows runs Microsoft software such as Access and MS SQL databases. Windows servers also offer Web developers the use of Microsoft’s programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, and MS Index Server.


Linux supports a wide range of software, applications, languages, and databases. However, Linux is not fully compatible with some Microsoft technologies. If you are already using Access databases, ASP, ASP.NET, MS SQL, or VB development tools, then Windows hosting is a better choice.

In IIS 7, Value Applications applications requiring PHP 5 can not be installed on sub-domains or aliased domains which point to sub-directories.

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About application installations for subdomain or non-primary domain

The process to install Value Applications applications differs depending on where you want to install it:


Subdomains are prefixes to your website’s URL. Any domain hosting account can use subdomains of any domain name it hosts.

For example, you could create on the hosting account for, where blog andstore are subdomains, and then install applications on any of them.

To Install Applications on Subdomains

  1. Log in to your IFindHost – Cheap Domain Registration, Cheapest Domain Hosting Service account.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. Add the subdomain to the hosting account. (Note the folder you create or select for your subdomain)
  5. In the Popular Apps panel of the Hosting Control Panel, click Show All.
  6. From the Categories menu, click the category you want to view, and then click the application you want to install.
  7. Click Install Now. This button appears only when a compatible hosting plan resides in your account. For a subscription application, click Subscribe Now.
  8. Select the domain name you want to use and click Next.
  9. If the value application requires a database, enter a database description and password, and then click Next.
  10. Enter the folder you previously specified when you added the subdomain to the hosting account. If you leave the directory blank, installation occurs in the root directory. If configuration information is required, click Next. Otherwise, clickFinish.
  11. Enter configuration information, if required. Click Finish.
  • Install the application in the folder you created or selected for the subdomain.
Non-Primary Domain Names

If you have a Deluxe, Premium, Unlimited, or Ultimate hosting account, you can host multiple domain names’ websites on one hosting account. We call these “secondary” domain names non-primary domain names.

For example, if you set your hosting account’s primary domain name is, you can add hosting for, and then install applications on any of them.

To Install Applications on Non-Primary Domain Names

  1. Add the domain name to the hosting account.
  2. Install the application you want to use.

Cheapest Domain Hosting – Getting Started with WordPress

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is installed on a web server, which either is part of an Internet hosting service or is a network host itself.

WordPress was used by more than 26.4% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2016. WordPress is the easiest and most popular blogging system in use on the Web, at more than 60 million websites

Sources from

No more is a blog just a single page with a “what I did at the store today” kind of dialog. Blogs are the lifeblood of the Internet, bringing publishing to the masses. Gone are the days of individual page creation to post an entry, too. With WordPress you can have enterprise-level content management capabilities for your blog and Website, for the same cost as the air you breathe: Free! Buy a cheapest domain hosting plan and start building your WordPress site now.

So what the heck is WordPress, anyway?

WordPress is a Web-publishing platform frequently used for Web logs, or “blogs”, that focuses on speed, ease of use and one of the best user experiences available. With WordPress, you can manage anything from a simple personal site with just a few pages all the way up to a commercial site with hundreds of pages. The sky is the limit with WordPress, and thanks to that ease of use, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Web expert or just getting started. Anyone can create a fantastic website using WordPress.

WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it. (More than most commercial platforms.) It also means you are free to use it for anything from your dog’s home page to a Fortune 500 website without paying anyone a license fee.

Started in 2003, WordPress has become the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on hundreds of thousands of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

If you don’t already have WordPress installed on your cheapest domain hosting account, see Install WordPress.

What’s next?

After WordPress is installed and you get the email from us telling you that everything is ready, it’s time to log in to the WordPress Dashboard for the first time.

Open your Web browser of choice and go to the domain name where you installed WordPress. For example: ( is the domain name you used to set up WordPress).

Things to Consider

If you already have WordPress set up elsewhere, see Moving Large WordPress Sites to IFindHost for more information.

If your domain name currently points somewhere else, you need to update your domain name’s nameservers and IP Address (A Record) to use WordPress.

Visit our cheapest domain hosting service center to start building your WordPress site now

Install Joomla For Your Cheapest Domain Hosting

Joomla!® is a personal publishing platform, or content management system, that you can use to set up a website.

This process does not work for free hosting accounts and secondary or aliased domain names on Windows® hosting accounts. You must manually install Joomla! with these types of hosting accounts.

  1. Log in to your IFindHostCheapest Domain Hosting account.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. Click Popular Apps.
  5. In the search field, type joomla, and then click Search.
  6. Click the version of Joomla! you want to install.
  7. Click Install Now.

    NOTE: The Install Now button displays only when the selected application is compatible with one or more hosting plans in your account.

  8. Select the domain name you want to use.
  9. Enter a database description and password, and then click Next.
  10. Choose an installation directory, and then click Next.

    To install Joomla in your root directory, leave this field empty.

  11. Enter the Admin Name, Admin Password, and Email for your Joomla installation.
  12. Click Finish.

Joomla will be installed to your hosting account with the options you selected. When it is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.